You will leave feeling stretched, taller and ready to get back to what you love doing.

Having a sport/deep tissue massage is an experience you won’t easily forget.  Our physiotherapists are qualified in using a wide array of techniques including trigger point and myofascial release, muscle energy techniques, lympho-drainage, deep tissue and sports massage. The aim is to reduce muscle contractures and to increase lengthening of connective tissues in order to improve mechanics, reduce symptoms and improve sport performance.

Sport and Deep Tissue Massage is important for all those individuals involved in sports or suffering from muscle tightness an joint stiffness in order to minimize the risk of injuries and improve performance. By improving muscle length and circulation, movement and biomechanics becomes more efficient and functional.  Although it won’t be a relaxing experience, you will definitely feel the benefits once it’s finished and you will be ready to make the most out of your daily life.

To book your next Sport massage treatment click here.